What is ATprojects?
“ATprojects” was formed in 1998 as an association governed by a constitution within the Papua New Guinea “Association Incorporation Act”. ATprojects is based in Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province, but works throughout PNG. Our aim is to enable rural people to use appropriate technologies which give them more control over their lives and which contribute to the sustainable development of their communities. ATprojects provides a number of program development services and products and is one of the few organisations in PNG offering practical technical support at a district level. We also offer a range of development services, including a training and conference facility.
What is Appropriate Technology?
Appropriate technology is a way of thinking about change, recognising that technologies can evolve along different paths toward different ends. It includes the belief that rural communities can have a role in deciding what their future will be like, and that the choice of technologies is an important part of this. It also includes the recognition that technologies can embody cultural biases and sometimes have political and distribution effects that go far beyond a strictly economic evaluation.
“AT” therefore involves the use for technologies that have for example, beneficial effects on income distribution, human development and environmental quality. Part of ATprojects’ development strategy is to start with and build on locally available skills and materials, based on the initiative and full participation of local people. This should mean that local needs will be met more effectively, that mistakes will be on a scale that are understandable and correctable, and that technological and social changes that follow are more likely to harmonise with evolving local traditions and culture.
The Way ATprojects Works
ATprojects is a social enterprise delivering appropriate technology-based projects and products in a sustainable way. We maximize end-user participation and funding in all areas of research, the design and development process, and works with partners that support this approach. To ensure that our projects and products are embedded into communities and we work with our partners to provide training and local financing. We are developing a delivery model that provides a more equitable process for development in the South Pacific. ATprojects is developing this model within the framework of the Papua New Guinea Association Act.
For the latest updates on our projects visit our blog site: www.atprojects-png.org/blog.
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